We are still developing the site there is still a lot on content and cute pics though
We are still developing the site there is still a lot on content and cute pics though
Hey I am Emma, from my mums 4th and final litter. On my hooman mummy's birthday, hooman daddy announced that he wanted a pup from the litter my mummy was carrying of which I was cuddling with my litter mates inside. Hooman mummy picked me and I was (and still am) known as the chosen one. Hooman Daddy named me as Emma even though my youngest sister was named Emma but, as I am a little more laid back hooman daddy could not take to me and so went to Arwen (whom my hooman mummy named).
Hooman mummy adored me and I adored her so WE ( sister, hooman mummy and daddy and my lovely mummy) stayed together!
As I am extra special, I am super confident! Like hooman mummy I am laid back but I definitely want to rule the roost. I love people so much sometimes my tail gets a little out of control that I nearly knock myself over with it!
I'm called Emma but I respond to Emski (my hooman mummy's favourite name for me) and Em. I know I am in trouble when hooman mummy calls me Emma, so I come to her do a super cute smile and wag my tail so hard that I roll on my belly and all is forgiven. We just love each other and it is the best with my mummy she is wonderful at playing with me and my sister we are such a great team xxx